Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brain slow

 Have you become more forgetful recently discovered, more dull? If so, we must pay attention to these bad habits to see the following which you meet a few, because, as these bad habits can really make people change the brain slow ... ...

1. long-term satiety.

fullness after eating, the brain known as the It can increase capillary endothelial cells and fat to promote atherosclerosis, premature aging brain and mental deterioration occurs and so on.

2. contempt breakfast.

do not eat breakfast will make people's blood sugar is lower than normal supply of harmful to the brain over time. According to statistics, children generally eat high-protein breakfast, the best thinking in the classroom in general is relatively extended, while the vegetarian children fell mood and energy relatively fast.

3. sweets too.

sweets reduce appetite, reduce the intake of protein and vitamins, leading to functional malnutrition, affecting brain development.

4. sleep.

the brain is the primary way to eliminate fatigue, sleep. Long-term lack of sleep or poor quality will only accelerate the decline of brain cells, smart people will become confused.

5. Long-term smoking.

long smoking showed varying degrees of brain atrophy, susceptibility to Alzheimer's. Because long-term smoking can cause cerebral arteriosclerosis, leading to insufficient blood supply to the brain, nerve cell degeneration, and subsequent brain atrophy.

6. reticent.

solely on the brain in the language of the leaf area, often talk will also promote the development of the brain, and can play the function of brain exercise. Usually should say something more content-rich, with strong philosophical or logical words. Hooded hooded sleeping in bed with the quilt of carbon dioxide concentration, oxygen concentration falling foul of the long-term inhalation of humid air, the brain is lethal.

7. unwilling brain.

think is the best way to exercise the brain. More brains, diligence and thinking, people can become more intelligent.

8. ill with a brain.

discomfort or illness in the body, barely adhere to study or work not only inefficient, but also likely to cause brain damage.

9. Do not think

NO! According to research, human embryo, the earliest development of the brain nerves that, even were born later, in a rapidly developing stage, newborns, the brain weighs about four hundred grams, have been accounted for adult brain weight (about fifteen hundred grams) of a quarter; to about nine hundred-year-old brain weight g; to the age of three already developed brain weight to 60% stronger, to the year-old weighs about 1200 grams, and gradually close to the adult brain heavier.

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